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Symbol PF ECTS Study Guide - Teacher training in health education

ECTS Study Guide


Teacher training in health education - VKZn


The graduate acquires theoretical and practical foundations for the second stage of primary schools. Centre of gravity of undergraduate training in the field of pedagogical psychological, occupational and educational branch in two aprobačních articles. Theoretical and practical preparation for the creation of basic pedagogical competences of the graduate, which are necessary for the successful performance of the teaching profession, including its so-called ". helper functions. For the Central pedagogical competences of graduate teacher 2. klimatu are seen as competence in aprobačních articles, psychodidaktické, diagnostic, communicative, sebereflektivní and osobnostně developing. The requirements on the output quality of graduates, it is possible to specify in the category-theoretical knowledge, and knowledge in the relevant aprobačních articles-learning the knowledge, skills and experience-the pedagogical and psychological knowledge and skills necessary for the exercise of the teaching profession. The study programme is a graduate of the supports of its flexibility and creativity, that after entering the practice to be able to implement its own concept of teaching and was open to changes in the kurikulární policy. A graduate of the position to exercise the teacher should encourage and preferred method of education that favors constructivist practices directed at the student's activity and linking theory with practice. Part of the desired positions, which should be a graduate, is also interested in lifelong professional growth both in the field of training, so in the field of pedagogical psychology.

Detailed information (Course Catalogue)