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Symbol PF Georgius-Agricola-Stipendien 2015 - Technische Universität Chemnitz

„Georgius-Agricola-Stipendien 2015“ - Technische Universität Chemnitz


The Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts (SMWK) will award so-called 'Georgius-Agricola- scholarships' in 2015 for high-performing students from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries who are studying at a partner university in Saxony. The monthly amount of 450.00 Euro will be dedicated for a period of approximately six months in 2015. Applicants should have obtained grades which are above average and shall also dispose of very good German language proficiency. For more information we kindly ask you to refer to the tender of scholarship attached ('Ausschreibung').


Ausschreibung „Georgius-Agricola-Stipendien 2015“ (.pdf)

Bewerbungsformular (.docx)